Arise Health logo is a BankOn Education Partner

BankOn Banking Education

Empowering residents of California's Inland Empire
to BankOn their financial potential. Learn essential banking skills, from opening and managing accounts to understanding credit, with our comprehensive resources and support.

Work with our financial counselors to get you back on track with a new bank account through the BankOn Inland SoCal Program.

¿Tiene estas metas financieras?

- Aumente el puntaje crediticio
- Never taught the basics of banking and feel intimidated?
- Comprar una casa

¿Pero tienes estos bloqueadores financieros?

- Mal crédito
- Have an old bank account with a negative balance and overdraft fees?
- Owe child support and afraid your cash deposits will be garnished?

Cómo funciona CLIMB Financial Freedom

Sean cuales sean sus ingresos o su situación financiera, los asesores de crédito certificados y de vivienda aprobados por el HUD de son su guía.
Monthly bank fees $5 or less & No overdraft fees

Paso 1

Programe una cita

Paso 2

Complete una sesión de asesoramiento gratuita, confidencial y personalizada

Paso 3

Su consejero trabaja con usted para crear un plan financiero personalizado que le permita alcanzar sus metas.
Comience de forma gratuita

We Can Help!

Our financial counselors address concerns about opening bank accounts

- Fear of financial identity theft or fraud
- Concerns about privacy and security
- Unfamiliarity with the banking system or technology
- Worries about hidden fees or charges
- Negative past experiences with banks or financial institutions
- Fear of losing control over your money and financial decisions

Access to Safe & Affordable Banking
- Monthly bank fees $5 or less
- No overdraft fees

Join Our Distant Learning FIT Academy

Select the classes you wish to attend for free:

- Improving / Establishing Credit
- Reducing / Eliminating Debt
- Budgeting / Savings
- Mortgage Preparedness (owning a home)
- Mortgage Preservation (keeping your home)
- Consumer Loans/ Debt
- Credit Visibility
- Identify Theft Prevention / Recovery
- Opening a Bank Account (COMING SOON)
Free, online classes available 24/7
View Classes